
Wellbeing with John Lewis

The older I become and the more life experience I gain, the more I understand the crucial importance of looking after my body. Whether it be in what I eat, the amount I exercise, the products I use on my skin or simply getting a good nights sleep, I'm really focused overall wellbeing and making smart choices for feeling and looking better - inside and out. The the lovely folks over at John Lewis were kind enough to send me a few little bits to help me out and give those late New Years Resolutions a kick start!

Keep Smiling
A positive mental attitude is key to overall health and wellbeing. I've got to the point where I refuse to allow myself to have down days or have a pessimistic outlook on life. Life's too short to waste time doubting, and that's no to say I'm the most optimistic all the time, but let's just say, I push myself to be a glass-half-full kinda girl.

Eat & Drink Better
I've slowly but surely learnt to love eating healthily. Now, that's not to say I don't like to indulge every once in a while (burger over salad anyone??) but I try to discipline myself the majority of the time by packing meals full of healthy goodness and always making conscious choices to be good to my body. Drinking right is equally as important as eating correctly and I carry a water bottle everywhere I go to ensure I'm getting enough hydration throughout the day. Meal time is a great chance to get creative with healthy eating - and it can be easier than you think! For example, swapping pasta for the latest health craze - courgetti. Simply use a spiraliser (this one is only a tenner!) to cut the courgette into strands and heat for a few minutes in a frying pan. I've thrown in some avocado, tomatoes and a little bit of chorizo for extra flavour!

Move More
Living in London, it can be hard to find the time to fit in that morning run or go to a gym class after a long and tiring day at work. Particularly in the winter time with the dark mornings and dark nights, motivation can soon slip away. I'm really keen to lead an active lifestyle so joining a tennis club in London is one of the best decisions I've made. I tend to play 2-3 times per week, whether thats in team training, social evenings or in club matches. I've also been running a lot more lately and my route down to the River Thames with beautiful London views makes getting out of bed in a morning a little more appealing. John Lewis provided me with this really cool Moov Now wristband, which when linked up to the Moov app, monitors everything from your active minutes to your sleeping pattern. Its a great visual way of knowing just how active you are everyday and the target setting feature is great for providing that much needed motivation. Plus - the app is full of mini workouts which can be done from home. I have to admit, I was a little skeptical at first but after trying this out for two weeks, I can honestly say I'm a huge fan of the device!

Take Care
Every since I started wearing make-up, my Mum has taught me the importance of being good to my skin and taking my make-up off properly. Make-up wipes are like the devil to me and I've always opted for wash-off cleansers to full remove make-up and any excess residue. After hearing a lot of hype about the Liz Earle skincare range, I was really excited to give it a go for myself. The Cleanse & Polish Kit comes with two muslin clothes and a plant-based cleanser, which when pumped forms a thick and creamy texture. Step One is to lather the cleanser all over your dry face - it can be used to remove mascara too but I prefer to take off my eye make-up separately. Once fully rubbed in, take a muslin cloth and soak under hand-hot tap water before using to polish off the cleanser in soft circular motions. I've been really impressed at the cleanser's removing power and it leaves my skin super soft and residue free - I'm converted!

Aaaaaand Relax.
It is only until recently that I've began to take my own advice on this one. I can be a bit of a workaholic so find it hard at times to put down my phone or laptop and take a few minutes for myself. I've started to take breaks away from technology and always strive to get my full 8 hours of sleep. Something that has really been helping recently is adding this deep-sleep pillow spray into my night time routine.

This post is sponsored by the lovely folk over at John Lewis*


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